Closeness with my Child?

The comment from one child was”My siblings and I love to be around our parents. We actually look forward to holiday periods because we learn a lot from our parents and they also learn a lot from us”And from another child,”Staying with my mum is always a hell of experience. She howls at us atContinueContinue reading “Closeness with my Child?”

My parents would not have believed me if I had told them about it…

The boy’s countenance fell when I asked him why he did not report to his parents the first time his vice principal coerced him into sexual practices in his office. We were interviewing him in respect of his involvement in sexual activities in the school. “My parents would not have believed me if I hadContinueContinue reading “My parents would not have believed me if I had told them about it…”

Parents Are Instrumental in the Perception and Communication of a Child’s Personality

Attentive and discerning parents are in a privileged position to understand a child’s unique personality traits. A child’s personality traits evolve gradually and consistently over his childhood period. At the early stages, the parenting process is usually challenged by the child’s weak emotions and conceptual and logic skills. Hence, descriptions such as selfish, careless, inconsiderate,ContinueContinue reading “Parents Are Instrumental in the Perception and Communication of a Child’s Personality”

Attentive and Discerning Parents Raise Children Who Are Able to Express Their Respective Unique Personalities with Discipline.

A well-cultivated farm in my village recently caught my attention. The diligence with which the farmer attended to the farm was obvious. The ridge layout was compact with adequate and uniform spacing. Though it was a large expanse of land, the weeds were well-controlled. When I scanned through the plants, I was excited that thereContinueContinue reading “Attentive and Discerning Parents Raise Children Who Are Able to Express Their Respective Unique Personalities with Discipline.”

The Right Approach at the Turning Point

This topic, Healthy Parenting Relationship: a Necessity for Raising Godly and Disciplined Children, is really making waves this period at women conferences! The effect of the message on the audience is usually so compelling that they have no option but to desire to put the healthy parenting principles in practice. Like a wave stirred upContinueContinue reading “The Right Approach at the Turning Point”

Introduce Healthy Parenting and Decongest Our Prisons.

It is irreconcilable when schools that apply belligerent disciplinary strategies brag about how much ‘discipline’ they instil in children and yet they increasingly allocate a lot of time and resources daily to meting out punishment to students who disobey school rules and regulations. In such an environment, people’s consciences have become so deadened that itContinueContinue reading “Introduce Healthy Parenting and Decongest Our Prisons.”

Great Parents nurture children who are able to excite favourable outcomes in interpersonal relationships.

Izunna’s story of how he survived as an orphan always sounded interesting each time he shared any part of it with me. As at the time I first met him as a neighbor, he was a lecturer in a higher institution. The last time I had a chat with him, some years ago, he alreadyContinueContinue reading “Great Parents nurture children who are able to excite favourable outcomes in interpersonal relationships.”

The Turning Point in Parenting: Recognise It and Make The Necessary Changes

The parenting task is no doubt a demanding one. People who have nurtured children from infancy to the teenage years would readily recall those moments when desperation would give way to anxiety, anger and frustration. Many parents would rather not voice the inordinate thought of taking the child somewhere else for a while or evenContinueContinue reading “The Turning Point in Parenting: Recognise It and Make The Necessary Changes”

Healthy Parenting Relationship: A Necessity for Raising Godly and Disciplined Children.

I facilitated the discussion on this topic in a diocesan women’s conference on Saturday, 2nd July, 2016. It really provided a guide to the mothers on how to develop effective parenting skills. Excerpts of the message are provided below. Introduction: Marital relationship should be prioritised because husbands and wives are covenant partners and a goodContinueContinue reading “Healthy Parenting Relationship: A Necessity for Raising Godly and Disciplined Children.”

2016: The Year of Healthy and Improved Parenting Relationships

Happy new year to our readers! Thanks for availing yourselves of our posts. We are quite encouraged! Even though our stay was brief last year, we are confident that your passion in parenting has increased and that you have made progress in establishing healthy parenting relationships with your kids. Our belief is that a healthyContinueContinue reading “2016: The Year of Healthy and Improved Parenting Relationships”